VVG MINI Controllers
Custom built Mini controllers created and designed to enhance game play experience, but not as large, and/or as "arcade accurate" as my Experience Controllers.
colecoVision Basic
Seimitsu 8-way black ball-top joystick w/ black shaft cover
Seimitsu 30mm pushbuttons (2) - light ash
8' Controller cable (user to provide solution for any/all necessary keypad inputs)
ColecoVision inspired artwork & CPO
colecoVision (Standard)
Seimitsu 8-way black ball-top joystick w/ black shaft cover
Seimitsu 30mm pushbuttons (2) - light ash
8' Controller cable
3' Keypad cable (user to provide Hand Controller or similar for necessary keypad inputs)
ColecoVision inspired artwork & CPO
colecoVision DX
Seimitsu 8-way black ball-top joystick w/ black shaft cover
Seimitsu 30mm pushbuttons (2) - light ash
VVG ColecoVision controller PCB w/ keypad w/ C&K D6 key-switches (12) grey
10' Controller cable w/ rear mount cord cleats for cable management
ColecoVision inspired artwork & CPO
colecoVision DX+
Seimitsu 8-way black ball-top joystick w/ black shaft cover
Seimitsu 30mm pushbuttons (2) - light ash
VVG ColecoVision controller PCB w/ keypad w/ C&K D6 key-switches (12) grey
10' Controller cable w/ rear mount cord cleats for cable management
Right side mounted black thermoplastic w/ grey rubber insert, carry/storage handle
ColecoVision inspired artwork & CPO
The grey special
2021 - Quantity (1) (L.E. 001/001)
Seimitsu 8-way black ball-top joystick w/ Cherry micro-switches w/ black shaft cover
Leaf-switch pushbuttons (2) light grey (arcade original)
VVG ColecoVision controller PCB w/ keypad w/ C&K D6 key-switches (12) grey
10' Controller cable w/ rear mount cord cleats for cable management
Right side mounted black thermoplastic w/ grey rubber insert, carry/storage handle
ColecoVision inspired artwork & CPO